duminică, 24 martie 2019

Cea mai faimoasa inventie romaneasca

Vorbeam cu managerul meu si ii explicam frumos ca "nu exista inovatie in socialism/comunism". Prima observatie a lui a fost "sa inteleg ca esti pornit tare impotriva comunismului?". M-a bufnit rasul. Boss, noi vorbeam de altceva, de cum sunt distribuiti banii in mod egal la toti, de lipsa spiritului competitiv, lipsa motivarii in socialism samd. Da, printre altele sunt pornit impotriva lui, dar nu asta e povestea. Si eu aveam, inca pe puncte, formulata ipoteza cum importa tehnologie tarile comuniste:
  1. o cumpara pe bani grei, asa cum si-a cumparat Romania toate uzinele, in special Automotive-ul, Dacia, ARO, Roman samd; Dacia nu e decat un Renault.
  2. isi trimite inginerii spioni (sau spionii ingineri), exact ca in filme "adevarate", cu adevarati oameni capabili si fermecatori, iar treaba e chiar demna de un om supra-inteligent, capabil sa memoreze desene, schite, valori, componente din domenii interdisciplinare, mecanic-electric-electronic-fizic-chimic si asa mai departe. Inclusiv Romania a facut asta iar Rusia inca o face, numai ca nu mai are personal atat de valoros, multi sunt tehnicieni rusofoni (gen latvieni, cum am avut eu de a face), rusi adevarati, dar din alte tari satelit (pentru ca bineinteles, ei nu mai pot face gen, sunt refuzati peste tot). Rusia mai are acum si ceva software (Kaspersky si Telegram) de care firmele vestice incep sa scape treptat - literalmente este data legea care permite guvernului kievan sa frunzareasca datele din ele.
  3. sclavagesc pentru ea. Campionul curent e China care promit ca lucreaza la preturi imbatabile. Si chiar o fac. Doar ca detaliul de la sfarsitul contractului este ca ei raman cu matritele, planurile, echipamentele, procesul de fabricatie - cu absolut tot. In plus, ei sunt organizati capitalist la nivel economic, un capitalist bolnav neimpiedicat de un stat democratic si valori de libertate. Si nu ca nu ar fi inteligenti si capabil de inovatie; si da, prejudecata ca sunt imitatori si ca nu sunt capabili doar de copiere este gresita; problema e comunismul in sine. La ce bun sa mai inventezi ceva sa vinzi cand a doua zi vine statul peste tine si te priveste in ochi si iti declara: firma ta e firma mea acum. De fapt asa a fost in Romania, in China platesti doar o spaga si o fecioara si ai scapat, de-aia emigreaza si chinezii scarbiti de sistem, iar femeile lor se sinucid.
Iar cand povesteam tot mai infierbantat (multumiri colegului meu hippiot si junkie ce mi-a zis "coae trebuie sa incerci ginsengul asta!") la un moment dat managerul ma opreste ganditor si imi zice: stii ce? Tu stii unde am lucrat inainte? Am lucrat la o firma Chileana-Argentiniana, erau printre primii, sau pe locul 2, in lume in industria hartiei. Am fost si in China sa deschid fabrica acolo samd. Stii ce ne-au zis chinezii? S-au oferit sa lucreze aproape pe gratis. Nu glumesc, aproape pe gratis. Si noi ne gandeam de ce si cum or sa faca aia. Si le-am zis da, normal, ca faceam bani. Iar dupa cativa ani, ne-au taiat. A fost exact cum zici tu. 

Si apoi mi-am adus de-aminte de comentul meu cand m-a intrebat cineva care e cea mai faimoasa inventie romaneasca. Pai, Romania moderna e strict comunista-socialista. Normal ca nu exista. 

There is no “best invention” of Romania.

We can distinguish 4 main periods of time where we can identify why there wasn’t any invention, based on their characteristics.
  1. Old times, centuries ago, the three main territories that united under the name of Romania were in their entirety rural. No invention would take place, or, at least, from Romanians part - they were shepherds and grain reapers. They didn’t use any specialized tools or invent anything new - basically, they had less quality of equipment of 1500 years ago, when under the Roman Empire. Which is incredible: more than one millennia of total dark ages (from tools and equipment point of view). Romanian history blame it on incoming nomadic waves, some of them very destructive, like Huns, Mongols, Cumans and so on.
  2. Half of the 19th century up to the half of 20th century - this is probably the best time. Habsburgic Empire has its influence over the Northern part of Romania. Lots of people go and study at Vienna, Austria, or Paris - Romania doesn’t have Universities. There is a good span of well educated people. But, Romania is still rural; only people that live in the main cities and have a little bit of money afford this education. Also, because of its rural characteristic, Romania never ever benefited of Industrial Revolution. They hardly started the use equipment and power tools. Thus, innovations remain more at a theoretical level. These people only study and research for their own pleasure, not to sell/help the world, especially to sell, like in anglo-saxon world, the champion of all discoveries. Nicolas C. Paulescu, himself educated at Paris, did some tests and discovered how to control glucose level, but the actual inventor of the insulin, the “thing” that it’s ready to be injected and save lives, was discovered by somebody else. Any other discoveries were based on Western studies and they were insignificant. The fountain pen (eclipsed by any other pens), the flight (based on other people research), medicine and so on.
  3. After the world wars communism came into being, settle upon naive and un-educated minds. Now, there is a universal catch with communism: it’s not an environment for innovations. Everybody is “equal”, they are paid the same, you are not allowed to be rich, thus, nobody tries harder. All communist/socialist states are not developed states because of this reason. All these countries import technology. Now, you can do this multiple ways: steal it, sending your spies to western plants (Russia does it today), buy it from somebody else (Romania bought the blueprints for its famous car Dacia from Renault, France) or make a contract by slaving your people for foreign companies that move there (China, very good example today). All the machinery, lathes, CNC machines, plants, automotive industry of Romania were imported from Western countries. Romania did not invent anything. They were, and that’s a far stretch, maintainers of the technology they brought in, incapable of building something new. I remember when my sister gave me a football: it was all patched up (had multiple holes), it was very bumpy, and she advised me to… not hit it with the foot. It was kafkian. Romania wasn’t able to build a round rubber ball. That was in the 90s. In the communist era was a lot of propaganda. Thus, we have “inventors” like Henri Coada, the creator of the jet engine (his plane had the jet engine in the… front) and Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen: inventor of Karpen piles (piles that work for ever… sounds familiar? 0-energy?).
  4. Modern day. Romania is still 50–60% rural (this percentage is based on the existence of water closets in their homes). Communism legacy is still here, though it fell over 30 years ago. Romanian engineers work in multi-national plants, none of them are Romanian own. Every single national company is either bankrupt or keep leeching state money. All of them are in-efficient and incompetent. Private “entrepreneurs” buy elements from China and assemble them in Romania and “build” buses that they hope to sell at higher price to local towns via corruption. There’s an exodus of brains, IT, doctors, engineers that migrate to other states. I’m a Romanian schooled and right now I’m an engineer in US…
Conclusion: there is no significant or note-worthy invention. Now, if you want to look to the language, the poetry, literature and beautiful rural traditional life, there’s another story…

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