duminică, 17 noiembrie 2019

Cum cade un imperiu II

Avem o stire oarecum normala: o scoala s-a saturat ca tot dadea mancare pe gratis si parintii nu plateau pentru ea si intr-o zi au aruncat toata mancarea calda, dandu-le, in schimb, la copii, niste snacksuri, sa nu faca foamea.

Stirea e aici: iubiti si copiii proletari.

Aproape 40 de bucati nu si-au luat portia calda, metoda de triere fiind pragul de datorie individula mai mare de $15. Unul dintre micii justitiari sociali a filmat incidentul si l-a pus pe facebook, unde a devenit viral. Scoala a revenit in forta, tot pe facebook, unde si-a cerut scuze in public, si a anuntat ca se bazeaza pe donatiile comunitatii sa acopere gaura de $20k pentru dejunuri.

Bineinteles, ca tot pe facebook, grupul local, am tinut mortis sa trolez. Dar, revenind la lucruri serioase, ca orice lucru prostesc poate deveni un studiu de caz psihologic, mi-am dat seama ca

...socialistii altora sunt mai prosti decat socialistii nostri. 

I just can't get over how dumb this is to throw food away especially when it is for a child. Money is not what matters here, what lessons are we teaching. Every time I see an article about this I am dumbstruck at what our society has become. How was this ever thought to be a good practice?
A child is not responsible for maintaining money to provide their food, they cannot help it, if their parents don't provide. No child should go without school lunches when inmates in prison are being fed!!
No child should pay for lunch. All children should though, report in the morning if they brought their sack lunch or intend to enjoy the food at the cafeteria.Given the fact that half of school lunches end in the garbage, and that the other half of the money is wasted in administrative costs to manage payments, it will actually be CHEAPER to provide free meals for all children.
I fully agree. There is so many programs and advocates for no child hungry and stuff like that and no one can figure out the solution for this. Well it starts with school lunches and left overs can truly go home with children who have parents that struggle to make ends meet. I never understood why we have to throw out so much food.
Here is my opinion. Attendance of 1-12 is the law in every state. Because it’s the law the government said things like they must provide transportation, must provided special needs with access to education, must provide anyone in their district access to education regardless of their citizenship status. Why are they not required to provide the meal? Ima fiscally conservative person and still have this view. If the government is going to ask a child for 7-9 hours a day by law they should also be required to feed them. If you look at the budget for facilities, pay, benefits, the cost of food is rather small. Heck the last time I analyzed a large district for a term paper I had when getting my MBA I found they spent less then 3 percent of budget on books and teaching aids 😐..... then these schools send kindergarteners home with dumb fundraisers to raise $1,000 for books and teachings aids that still never seem to be bought....
I 100% agree with you. I would like to add that the school system does NOT provide transportation for all students. I live in the neighborhood next to Rossview, and the middle school students have to be picked up or walk home. It’s ok to walk home when it’s 70 degrees, not so much when it’s 15.
Why do we throw perfectly good food away anyway ?? Why in this country is EVERYTHING SHOULD BE PAID , why do we look down on people for not having what we have , or being in a bad spot ?!? Like non of us have ever been in a spot where we needed help .., and needing help isn’t just monetary , every bodies needs are different , and so are they’re problems . Karma a bitch . And the embarrassment in all of this is that adults didn’t see a or problem in this , until it reached social media an these adults were pointed out in front of their peers !
We give prisoners in jail hot meals. We give food stamp cards a whole lot of people that don't need them. But we can't give children a hot meal. What are we thinking. I think all kids should get free lunches regardless of income.
So criminals can get three square meals a dayl which is free to them but not the tax payer but children at school have to pay. I'd be happier to have my taxes go towards these public schools so children are eating for free than some criminal. Absolutely ridiculous 😡😡
No kid should have to go hungry at school. Period.
There needs to be some sort of fund maybe that is financed by local businesses, or anyone wishing to add to it. Heck, what the hell is $1.50? If everyone who wasn’t struggling horribly would just save their change from purchases for a month and bring it in that would help. This way NO CHILD WOULD BE WITHOUT! Rather than letting the child’s bill get out of control after 3 days of using the slush fund send another reminder to parents and if it exceeds a week have the parents come in to see if there are extenuating circumstances. A child should NEVER become the victim of his parents circumstances or be embarrassed like that in front of his peers. UNREAL!
You can kill a baby and starve a child but you cant kill a dog.
I am pro tax funded school lunches/breakfast for all kids and am willing to pay more in taxes to achieve that goal. Kids who can’t provide for themselves and have no control over how shitty their parents maybe. Should not starve while being forced to learn.
I believe that meals at school should be free. Doing this to a kid can lead to social issues and bullying by other students.
I bet you don't have an airplane, yet you pay tax to maintain that useless airport in Clarksville.

There are some things the community at large should agree to pay a little for.
It’s a shame to look for ppl down when they already struggling... it’s embarrassing for those kids to put them down like that , take away hot lunch and give them cold one ... I wonder where the hot lunch end up , did they throw it away and waste it or they took it home 😡 it’s to late for apologize cos the shame the kids feel it’s in them
I am pro tax funded school lunches/breakfast for all kids and am willing to pay more in taxes to achieve that goal. Kids who can’t provide for themselves and have no control over how shitty their parents maybe. Should not starve while being forced to learn.

I agree. If they can feed prisoners for free why wouldn’t they feed our children for free. Maybe we would have less criminals if they didn’t have to rob and steal to survive.
Students should never have to pay for breakfast or lunch in America.
Since when can a child pay for their own lunch? Sorry, but CRIMINALS in jail get food, so why can’t a child? The adult could’ve prevented what THEY did. But by all means, let’s hold a child, who can’t get a job or anything, responsible for paying for their own food at school. This is sad, nobody knows what type of life that child lives at home, and these could be their only meals. But again, let’s give CRIMINALS food. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and before anyone starts w their “shouldn’t all humans eat” bullshit; ID MUCH RATHER A CHILD EAT than a grown ass person who chose to do what they did 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
So food in the trash is better than in an innocent child’s stomach??
I don't care if the kid is still provided a cold meal. This is hands down a waste of taxpayer money and 100 percent just a way to embarrass kids and guilt parents. They produce enough hot meals to feed every child in that school. Throwing it away and producing a second "cold" meal is a complete waste of food and tax payer money.
This stuff pisses me off, I would much rather my tax money feed these kids instead of criminals.I signed a petition against this So you gonna teach our kids to be heartless & hate.
All the food they throw away each day, week, month & year, every kid should be able to eat free!
I’m a teacher, and I will never forget my first year teaching. I witnessed a lady that worked in the cafeteria tell one of my students that he didn’t have enough money to buy this food. Then she took his food and threw it in the trash right in front of him!😥😥😥😥 I was livid! I immediately went to the principal and asked her is that what we are here for? Then I asked what kind of person does something like that to a kid? They can’t help their parents financial situation! From then on, I made sure that I always had extra cash on me so if any of my students came to school without lunch money, I bought their lunch for them! I also started keeping snacks in my classroom and buying groceries for those kids that said they didn’t have anything to eat at home. After all, you can’t teach a hungry child. 
That is a waste and such a ridiculous think to do . What sense does it make to toss food in the trash when a hungry child could of eaten. Debt or no debt it was ignorant.
Before I continue I will state I am against abortion for MY OWN BODY - but I believe everyone should have the choice to choose because I don’t believe in forcing my views or opinions on others unlike some.
The same people that wouldn’t want an increase in taxes to make lunch free across the table are the same people that cry “no abortions”.
School lunch should be free, period. Theres no reason for this kind of absurdity
So stupid. These children need to be fed. Regardless of debt. FED THE KIDS and approach the parents later.
20,000 is a ridiculous amount of money compared to CMCSS budget, which represents half of the spending and over 75% of the debt.

It would be cheaper to bury the lunch debt, and even to make all meals free for all kids.

Here is a solution: rather than raising taxes to pay for the lunches, how about cutting the administrators (i.e. superintendents and school board members) salaries by 45% and reallocate that salary cut to cover the meals??
What lowly paid school system worker had the soul dark enough to look this child in the eye and waste a hot tray of food in the trash in front of him because he didn't have any money? Send his/her @$$ to go work at Popeyes!
 Crazy and such bullying behavior
Sfinte Sisoie, mancarea din scoala e calculata la vreun dolar jumatate, pentru ca e non-profit, ca sa va dati seama de costurile grele la care sunt supusi parintii. Dar, CSF? Cand pachetul de tigari e atat de scump si se scumpeste continuu, nu mai poti sa platesti dolarul ala pentru cei 5 ingerasi de la 2 femei diferite. E greu de tot, saracie, cupoanele de masa si ajutorul de la stat e mic de tot. Nu mai poti chiar asa, trebuie azi-maine sa iti cauti de lucru, nu mai poti sa iti vezi de treaba pe ps4 ca pana acum.

Dar sa lasam asta acum, ca altceva ma ingrozeste. Ma loveste, direct in cap, densitatea cuvantului "free". Gratis. Sa fie gratis lucrurile, dom'le. Unul chiar se intreaba mai sus ca "de ce tot trebuie sa platim atat in tara aceasta?" Evident, e ceva neinregula aici, tara aceasta, sistemul asta care e un monstru, trebuie sa reparam. Gratis gratis gratis. Macarea pentru copii trebuie sa fie gratis, punct!

Ce mai e de zis? Ca nu exista lucruri moca? Ca cineva trebuie sa plateasca pentru mancarea aia? Ca angajatul ala care i-a dat mancarea neplatita la baiet a fost dat afara pentru, ca vezi tu, aia e fix ce se numeste furt sau complicitate la furt? Ca ai furat de la firma? Sa zicem ca voi ati fi firma. Vreti sa va faceti catering in SUA. Si primele comenzi de vreo 200 de meniuri nu sunt onorate. Vine banca de va sugruma de galti. Familia voastra face foamea, ca ai luat din banii tai sa mai acoperi din datorie. Trebuie sa faci ceva ce nu te-ai gandit vreodata: sa te duci dupa clienti si sa ii rogi sa iti plateasca, sa binevoiasca sa isi achite lucrurile. Ai mai continua cu firma? Normal ca nu. Pentru ca "stergerea datoriei" inseamna falimentul tau sau neplata angajatilor tai. Dar acesti moderni Robin Hoozi fura de la saraci ca sa dea tot la saraci, asa, dupa cum ii taie pe ei capul. Sa fie mancare gratis inseamna sa o dea cineva pe gratis, sa lucreze cineva pe gratis. Hai sa luam bani din salariile profesorilor sa le platim la purdei mancarea. Oare ce in alta tara s-a facut asta?

Romania. Nu esti idiot sa iti faci firma sa iti dai tot profitul la stat. Mai bine te duci in alta tara si iti faci acolo. Asa se face un sistem inchis. Prin "stergerea cu buretele" a datoriilor. Puf! Au disparut. Am rezolvat problema. Nu e ca si cum ai fura sau ai saraci pe altii, nu? Oare cati or mai lucra pe gratis si salarii mizerii? Cati din profesorii aia cu salariul scazut o sa le mai pese de studenti, asa cum e in Romania? Scazi salariul, scazi profesionalizarea omului, clar.

Eu zic bine ca au aruncat mancarea in fata liceanului. Trebuie sa ii arate, brutal, ca asa e viata, asa e realitatea. Banii nu cad din cer. Cineva o lucrat pentru ei. Mancarea nu cade de la Dumnezeu dupa ce i te-ai rugat. Ca mexicanul de la bucatarie a facut-o. Si ala are copii acasa pe care ii hraneste cu salariul lui. Trebuie educat copilul de mic. Altfel ajunge ca idiotii astia.

Asa cade imperiul. Cu free-rides din astea. Cu justitiari din astia sociali care au intelegerea unui copil de 8 anisori care se uita la desenele alea animate cu fetita gunoiera care se invarte si face o mini-tornata si gunoiul dispare. Nu e ca si cum e carutat pe ocean si aruncat in Africa sau ingropat in pamant sub noi cartiere. Acum e cu mancarea. Fara un argument macar, trebuie sa fie gratis. Si nici nu se poate discuta cu ei, ca aia 2-3, inclusiv eu, am fost linsati de gloata: inseamna ca vrei sa omori copiii, vrei sa ii bagi la inchisoare, sa ii pedepsesti! M-au si injurat. Comparatii cretine si lipsite de logica cu avortul si cu puscariasii, ca si la noi la romani, de altfel, ca sunt la fel de idioti.
Inca un cui la cosciug. In curand nu mai trebuie sa ma intorc in Romania, vine Romania aici. Votam cu Dragnea si cu Dancila, desigur.

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