vineri, 14 iunie 2019

18 arguments for the non-european origin of Romanians

This is the English version of this article: 10 argumente pentru originea ne-europeana a Romanilor

So we're having here 15 18 arguments for the non-European origin of Romanians, but these are not actually academical nor backed-up by sound arguments, but rather something low-level, simple and brutal, extremely visible, to keep in your pocket to troll them.

I will be referring to Western Europeans, the ones that built Western Powers (not only Europe) by "white man" - please do not relate this with white supremacy - and Caucasians as people from near by Caucasus that migrated between years 400-1400 in Eastern Europe, where they have been hold up by Westerners. Caucasian is not white. Now I said above about trolling and used terms like "white", but please note this article is more serious and it's trying to shed some light on the true origin of the Romanians, so much needed after anti-Hungarian and communist propaganda.

I've written several articles in the past showing that Romanians score lower at IQ and PISA tests than the Europeans; about their lack of understanding the physical world and explaining it religiously; their high degree of intolerance, their similar behavior and attitude to Hungarians, which are noted being from Asia, the lack of any European value of the EU structure where they officially adhere and belong to. And now, I did an ancestry test and it confirmed some of my beliefs. Some notes on it: 
  • I am Romanian 100% sure up to the 4th generation (parents of my grandparents)
  • ignore the Borat picture, I reused a trolling picture
  • the test, I estimate, goes back up to 800-1000 years ago
  • before refining/renaming the categories, I had 6% Iberian DNA - which doesn't makes sense, Romanians are not Iberians nor Iberians migrated to Romania, but it does if you are logically deducting that Iberians, before they settled in Iberian Peninsula, came from the ancient Iberia of Central Asia, and along the way they raped and brutally insert themselves as aristocracy (Spanish/Portuguese Empire are proof that old habits never die)
  • my Hungarian wife (100% sure up to hers 4th gen) has similar results minus the Balkan dose.

 Let us begin.
1. Skin color
  • White people are Western European people that spread all over the world building cities and nations: South Africa, United States, Australia and they are the so called Anglo-saxon ancestry. They built the most technologically advanced world - the modern world. Science, literature, arts, medicine, political organization, freedom, slavery, empires - everything.
  • Romanians are not white. They are brown and by that meaning not only the scalp hair. Their overall body hair, eyebrows, mustaches, skin pigment, eyes, darker areas of the body are all dark: brown or black. There are some blue eye blonde hair Romanians - predominantly in Transylvania (for obvious reasons) and in Moldova (most of them Slavic influence), but the majority of the people are dark. They look middle-east Asian, Armenian, Indian or Mediterranean (South Greece, South Italy), Egyptian etc. Romanians are Caucasians, but not white, as in how modern people use the word.
  • Romanians believe that they are white. They never actually ventured out of their territories for centuries and the ones that did couldn't communicate back to the remaining others. Why? Because for all those centuries they were illiterate and they didn't write. The most important period of their literacy it was in the communist era, 1965 - 1990, where the borders were closed, people were not allowed to leave the country, if caught they were imprisoned, and they learned in schools all over again, from 1st grade to University, that they descend from Dacians and Romans. They never saw white people, only in Transylvania - the Hungarians/Magyars, and in Bucharest, the capital, that 100 years ago it was 50% cosmopolitan. It's only the mere last 2 decades that they start to be aware of how they look themselves, regardless the Hollywood movies they watched; they needed to be among the white people to convince themselves. First, they migrated in mass in Spain and Italy - but the people there, especially South Italy, look similar to them. But recently they migrated in Northern Europe and UK. They got the first doubt when they started seeing on Facebook their co-nationals mug-shots. First impulse was to yell and explain everybody "but these are Gypsies!" (Roma population). But then, second, they didn't actually had Gypsy facial characteristics and also their name was completely Romanian. Actually, those brown-faced people were Romanian. That's how an average Romanian looks like. Their skin color is blood-less, earth-like, and you get different kind of dark shades if you go cross the lower Romania from one side to the other. Look at this guy's face, right here. He's the one that he was bashing me on Facebook saying "at least I know the history of my country", by opposing my ignorance, "history" like Romanians are on their present territory before the coming of the Huns, Magyars, since the time of Dacians, even more, 7000 years ago they were there, based on Cucuteni culture, right?
  •  Look at him. Somebody would say that he's a Gypsy (Roma). No he's not, Gypsies (and Indians, since they are the same race) have different characteristics. He looks Turkish. Look at that face again. Is that how an European looks like? Or a central Asia person? Where do you think all those nomadic people from the migration era went away? Did they just disappear? Or they settled in Eastern Europe, where Western Europeans Powers of the white man kept them away?
2. Face and head characteristics
  • Not only the skin/hair color is dark, but even the facial physiognomy is different. White men have high and bulged fore-heads; they are the ones that naturally have they hair from front to behind, something that the average Romanian cannot have. One example is Christopher Lambert (French are Germanic as well) in Highlander: he throws his head in a barrel of water with the hair keep standing away from his fore-head/face. Usually Romanians have their foreheads similar to Russians and or Indians: very sloped. Their hair never grows backwards, but by the contrary, falls on their face.

  • Another thing is the manly face: cut in stone face, strong and sideways elongated jaws, prominent rectangular chins, prominent arcades and sometimes the eyes are angled cut, viking eyes. Obviously this was the result of millennia of evolution in which they learned to team up to fight harsh environment, cold environment, attraction to sport, well built body, open war, honor. Best warriors were selected. Romanians have central Asian faces: small jaws, non-prominent jaws, sharp rather than rectangular chins (from profile they look like manga/anime males characters), small and thin arcades, small and slanted foreheads. Natural evolution in warmer pastoral climates. Lack of attraction to sport, predisposition to rest, especially in those hot afternoons, avoiding open combat, speculation, treason, back-stabbing, sabotage. They don't need big robust bodies, manly jaws and arcades and honor: they fight dirty and they cheat. Ring a bell? Iran, Iran, Afghanistan? 
  • Third: cranial capacity. western Europeans have a bigger head than Romanians. Evolved for the temperature of the environment: if it's bigger it's easy to keep temperature by increasing the mass in cold climates; if it's smaller it's easier to cool down when in hot climates. Somehow it is linked with higher intelligence and abstract thinking. That's why white man achieved so much by opposed of any human breeds.
  • Not only the cubic volume is higher; the shape of the head is different. All Anglo-Saxon populations have dolichocephalic heads and this is extremely well drawn in American comics (google Captain America side view). Their head is longer in the back and their ears are placed half way the distance. Romanians have brachycephalic heads: small, round monkey heads. Their ears are placed right close at the back of the hand. I am not saying that some white men might not have their back head flattened; but surely there isn't a single Romanian to have dolichocephalic head because that's an exclusive Germanic trait. No Romanian have a head like this:

3. Shape of the body
Not insisting too much, just saying the westerners have robust bodies; their skeletal structure is design to grow and hold lots of muscles. Romanians, by the contrary, are slender, narrow shoulders and skinny legs. Not quite as Indians - the most non-athletic race ever, but somewhere in between. Even the over-weight Romanians are big-bellied with skinny arms and the ones that hit the gym rather turn round than shredded. Most of the fighters, box, UFC, MMA, wrestling (which is half-fake), rugby are from the West. Eastern Europe have rarely provided fighters and even the few of them that they were international champs were lightweight, where speed and discipline matters more than force. Somehow counter intuitive, be them slender, Romanians score lowest at average male body height. They are similar to... inside states of Russia and Kazakhstan, Caucasus area, Western Turkey and so on.
4. Gopo
Surprisingly, all these facial and body characteristics materialized in one of their classic cartoons named Gopo. Slender pyramidal body, thin arms, narrow shoulders, wide butt, skinny legs, wrinkled forehead, brown skin. It's incredible how it happened, but Romanians, when they become aware of who they are and draw themselves without much thinking, in a dreamy state, almost subconscious, it came up the Man, the pure Absolute Romanian, Gopo. Why is not having a mustache like all Asian populations are prone to have it is a much more complex discussion, but let's say that the purest form of materialization of a human is hairless (that's why Gopo is naked - he is pure, he's the essence), same how the Angels or Buddhists are, for example. This is Gopo with his creator:
This is Azamat Bagatov (Ken Davitian), Armenian actor:
Gopo is Armenian! He-man is Anglo-saxon. Romanians look Armenian. Their models are Mihai Dedu and Mircea Radu. Look at them. They are considered top handsome Romanian men among the Romanians. This is where Romanian attraction is leaning toward, this is how their model of male beauty looks like. Do they look European or do they look Caucasian? Armenian? Persian? Gopo?
5. Intelligence
  • We are entering in a field that it's more hated than liked, a field that has been avoided in discussions and even in studies for political reasons, same as the study of races (which are tens, not just black/white/asian). So some facts are like this: intelligence is mostly inherited and every time they study it more they raise more and more the percentage of DNA contribution, which in this moment it's estimated over 80%. That's why I was yelling on Facebook and in other posts getting zuccs that Indian people - doctors, engineers and software developers - they are frauds, liars, charlatans - same as Roma witches, they trick people with words, they learn the answers of the exams to score better, not actually the curriculum, taking advantage of the naivety and tolerance of the white man. They can't come from 70-80 average IQ in India and suddenly, just because of better nutrition, they rocket to 100-110 quota on American/Canadian soil - that's not how reality and biology works. 

  • Anyways, except the red countries, Albany and the other what-ever one, that have an almost Arabic culture of inbreeding - marrying with their cousins - which obviously lowered the IQ a lot, in Eastern Europe is preponderant of the same IQ. This is where all those nomadic Turkic tribes from near Caucasus settled, their advanced blocked there by the Western Powers. Somehow surprisingly, same as the clever modern American strategy, they used one of them to hold them together. 
  • Introducing Hungary, the artificial state, baptized by the Vatican and the new receivers of incredible vast land by the year 1000. Germanic populations have been specifically moved there to build fortifications and to hold like the Trump-Mexico wall the incoming waves. Transylvania, the area between Hungary and Romania, is where the line has been drawn. All of the Western Powers threw money in building this buffer state that will soon became a Kingdom. Hungary itself is being formed of populations that came from Asia, later being the harem of Austrians and turning them mixed.
  • Note on this: later migrations, how one would read them in history, it's like tribes came over night, plundering and destroying then to disappear in the nowhere. That's not how migration works. A similar realistic example is the Latin migration into the US. Another one, violent this one, similar to Mongol Horde and Huns were Spanish Armada in Latin American. These Asian tribes came in Eastern Europe just like today African or middle-Easterners is starting. Not over night, but over centuries, trying to organize themselves, either trying to be dominant or being dominated by other powers (which is not actually bad, see Hungary case again). They were forced to settle there, not allowed to move into the actual white man's European cities. White man tried to somehow keep them at distance, because obviously it cause a cultural war, same how Mexicans are in US. These people brought down Byzantine Empire and they did that by free-rides, corruption, welfare and taking advantage of the already existing wealth, rather then actually destroying or killing anything. If they would destroy the locals, how they would even survive after? Not even the Mongols, the most brutal ones, were killers, they destroyed only the ones that resist them, but not the actual peasantry or communities.
  • Imagine now that Hungarians are learning in their history that they came from Asia and settled for no reason in the Carpathian Basin and start building cities, castles, kingdoms and aristocracy over night. Imagine that those tribes were living in tents, on horse-back and had no polis culture ever. Imagine they just became citizens over night. Imagine now that Romanians are learning in their history that are descendants of Dacians (with not tracks for almost a millennia in between) and Romans (but Romans from actually Rome), just shoving under carpet centuries of constant massive migration from Asia. Reality is that Romanians never built a single city in their entire history. Somehow they acknowledge this, explaining it by their rural/shepherds style of living, not as the ludicrous theory of the overnight city-builders Hungarians. Imagine that Hungarian nationalists are declaring "we were first" of Romanians like an entitlement to the so much disputed Transylvania, when there was no clearly defined begin date of  the centuries-span migration, when Hungarians and Romanians themselves are incredible diverse and mixed, the product of tens of Asian tribes.
  • Vlachs, as pointed with finger by the Hungarians as the origin of Romanians, originally from ancient Roman Empire (Illyrians), the heel of the Peninsula and later in Dalmatia (Croatia/Slovenia) and then even later (year 800-1000) all over modern Bulgaria and Balkans, somehow Italian and having more European characteristics, are only a small fraction of the Romanian background. They brought the most importing thing: the language, the Romanian language, however, they brought it to the existing people and they were drowned later by all Asian migrants. Same how Spanish Empire brought the language and drowned with almost no trace in all Latin America. The strongest evidence for their non-Dacian origin is within their strongest heritage: Romanian language is closely related with Albanian. Both languages are to be considered sister languages and they have been the object of the identical process of Latinization. Vlachs are not Albanians; Vlachs were living near Albania at that time (400-700). Afterwards Hungarian sources noted them migrating north of Danube in Romania modern day territory. 
  • Again, as a conclusion, IQ is inherited by generations and Romania's IQ is similar to any of the Central Asia populations, Kazakhstan, states of Russia, middle-East. Contrast to Westerners is due biology, of course: raising animals and stealing their milk/butchering them is less mental demanding than growing crops. Surprisingly, growing cereals requires attention to detail to select the correct seeds, trial and error, continuous work, inventing tools and technologies to make work easier and get more yields, calculations, logistics, storing, food processing, commercial culture, barn and silo construction, waste management etc. 
6. Music
This is how Romanian counties look like at google searching of "manele":

This is how Romanian counties look like at google searching "Metallica":
These are musical affinities, these are what people are searching the internet to listen to. It makes sense, because one impediment into migration (especially while you are doing it with horses and tents in an unorganized fashion) were the Carpathians Mountains. Look at them:
Manele are spread all over the Balkans and the singers are usually Gypsies (Roma - originally from India). It is considered a Balkanic genre. Is it? This music is profoundly Central Asian. The female singer voice is tuned literally same as Indian female singers. The melodic line is literally Persian. This music is Oriental music. Obviously south of Romania has been populated more than the northern over-the-mountains Transylvania directly, with Turkic tribes, and indirectly, with Turkish/Ottoman during their dominant era. Now, this is a simple generalization that might be bashed. Yes, I'm not saying that if a single person that likes manele is from Orient, I am saying that if the majority of a population likes manele originates from Orient. Majority of white men do not listen and do not like this genre and they are more attracted to rock. By the way, this map corresponds to darker hair/darker eyes map as well, southerners being darker and Turkish looking.
7. Degree of Intolerance
Romanians believes that they are a welcome nation - the literally opposite of who they are. They are intolerant with literally everything: other ethnic groups (Hungarians, Roma - even though it's somehow historically justified), other religious groups, LGBT, foreigners and so on. They do not understand humor and they will take everything personally. Examples are abundant, most recent and notorious is tennis champ Simona Halep that was depicted as a Roma Gypsy holding the Cup as collected iron. All Romanians, including the intellectuals, declared themselves offended, not being aware that French people produce their humor for intern consumption, not actually international, not wanting to offend anybody. That is the definition of the satire and humor and they don't get it. Rather their attitude is similar to the Muslims that burned Danish Embassy/Charlie Hebdo and killed people because of some cartoons, except they are chickens and cowards to actually conduct the attacks. Romanians are closed-minded, subjective, act sentimentally and do not grasp the concept of "liberty of speech", except when they are being pointed for saying racist and discriminatory things. They are very similar to middle-East people. Tolerance towards LGBT it is actually a rule for any other freedom/liberty and Eastern Europe scores really low:
8. Degree of Religiosity
  • Romania is the most religious European country of all, expect Turkey, and Turkey is not even officially in the fucking Europe. Similarity? Central Asia, same as Muslim countries. 
  • Now this is a rabbit hole. Because this doesn't actually stands only for the actual religion, the one that makes hordes of Romanians circling the churches in 4 legs, kissing dead bones (most of them are fake - animal bones) and giving all of their savings to the unique institution of the Orthodox Church. But also the horoscope, zodiac, charms, spells, witches (Roma charlatans), talismans and magic. This is closely related with the low IQ and to a religious sentimental way of viewing reality. They are so religious that ridiculous scenes happen almost every day. I remember one of them, when a bus commuter draw a face in a tree while waiting the bus. Hordes of people nearby brought flowers, candles, praying, kissing the trunk, making crosses: "Jesus showed himself in the tree". The man tried to explain them only to be put on the run: "Blasphemy! Go away son of Satan!" 
  • First image is the density of churches; second picture is the density of hospitals built in Romania. It is not weird to find villages and even small towns that do not have a school or a hospital yet they have 3-4 churches with golden roof tops. 
9. Work habits
The average Romanian is almost useless after lunch break. This is first noticed in German owned plants in Romania on workers on one hand and by diaspora that works in IT in the West on their counter-peers on the other hand. Romanians admire the culture and the energy that maintains an average white man to work continuous and effortless the afternoons, going home early at 4 o'clock to spend time with the family. After noon Romanians have their energy plummeting: they get sloppy, drowsy and sleepy. They wake up only about 4-5 PM and try to recover. I am not bashing Romanians saying that they are lazy (how other people portrait them), but by the contrary, there is an evolutionary explanation. Westerners are people that lived for millennia in a cold steady environment, being pushed all the time to move, to work, in order to keep their body heat up. Those that lived in warmer climates, as shepherds, have been pushed to rest, relax under the shades, to protect themselves of the heating sun. There was nothing to work in the middle of the day. They are used to not work during the day. Same as the bankrupt Greece people, that never paid their EU debt, same as the "lazy" southern Italians, that close all their shops and restaurants during the entire day. This is how these people have evolved to be. An average German would be continuously on the run, continuously moving his hands, working; an average Romanian will avoid work and will take advantage any time to slack off. This is so imbued not only with the Turkic tribes, but even with the Vlachs themselves, they being shepherds, that the word Vlach started to be the synonym to Balkan shepherd, later this turning to be pejorative - lazy and not-that-bright person.
10. Political tendencies
Romanians suck. Again, not to bash, but something that makes sense from an Asian way of evolution.
  • Romanians are attracted to a central despot figure, starting from imperator/imparat (Latin word inexplicable remained in Romanian language since the Empire's influence in ancient Dacia - incredible lifespan), then replaced by Voda / Voievozi - Slavic name for dukes/kings and then finally, with the President. They like this idea so much that they learn about Traianus and Decebalus - though they had no real connection with Romanian history. Romanian heroes are kings like Stephen the Great and Michael the Brave - both of them not actually Romanian, but proto-Romanian more like. Their intolerance resonates really well with the image of Vlad the Impaler that killed people at finger snapping, without trials. The communist dictator had all of the communist attributes: cult of personality, the most beloved son of the people, the well versed man in every technological and agricultural fields, the man who is bringing and executing the law. Replaced, as I said, by the President, the unique central figure, responsible of absolute everything, including the Justice. Please remember that Romanian's government it's said to be a democratic one. 99% of the Romanians have no idea of the separation of powers in their state, and who actually are the powers and their role, remaining 1% being around 200,000 people - which makes me wonder if my estimate is correct since it's so favorable. They actually believe the President makes the law, approves it, executes it and that he can actually tamper with Justice and imprison whoever he likes. Romanians are now posting on Facebook pictures with their old days dictator Ceausescu and with... Hitler, not knowing exactly what they are doing. They are just simply fascinating with the cult of one person that even worship him exactly how Indians/Tibetans/Muslims worship their gurus or religious leaders. If you will ask a Romanian how can his country improve he will blame it on the current political leaders (thought that's correct) and he will show his continuous waiting for a leader, almost like a Messiah (Jewish/Muslim world concept) that will lead them to victory and prosperity.
  • They also like the idea of socialism. Now, socialism formed itself during harsh winters (that Europe never actually had, though it was cold) of Siberia and Central Asia - in one night you could've loose all your flock/food. Also because of times of unrest and permanent threat that invaders would come and steal your food/animals. Putting together resources and helping the village was the only way how to survive. Russia is where socialism formed. The first Romanian food ever being noted was the millet for centuries - not wheat or corn, they were introduced only in modern times, even though the soil of Romania is extremely rich in nutrients. Millet had a shorter vegetation time so it was a negligible and rebuild able loss in case of invaders. Does it sound like Irak?
  • Romanians have almost a PTSD or they can be very easily documented as such by Westerns doctors. They literally brought all the harassment, all discrimination and oppression that they faced along the way from Central Asia until this day. They have incredible long moments of inactivity/lack of any stimuli to "give back" when messing with them, rather they accept all the attacks while grinding inside of them, until they burst extremely violent. They even coined a word about themselves: "explodeaza mamaliga" = exploding polenta. 
  • Romanians are well know for giving advises to other people. They try to influence another and criticize constantly - experimenting low level of individualism - and expecting of the other people of the foreign country were they live to guide them, help them integrate, befriend them. This is connected with socialism, Romanians being socially socialists. Due evolution of exclusive village life, especially in unrest times, any out of the ordinary behaviors might cause the destruction of the city. That's why they try to correct their peers every time they can and that's why they expect when they change the village to be corrected by the others. When something bad happens to them they turn to their colleagues and yell: "why didn't you told me that?" Most of the abroad Romanians are declaring that they are happy since they have no-one nosy in their life, like their neighbors or family, but after a few weeks they declare again that they miss home and that the locals (Germans or Brits) are "cold" and they can't make friends.
11. Average penis size
Obviously the smallest from Europe. People tried to explain this somehow through centuries of dominant powers, like Hungary and Ottoman Empire, holding the Romanians heads down. People believe somehow that warriors must been had large penises and dominated, associated with cowards, smaller. Actually, it is connected with the height and evolved by females choosing their males according to these criteria. Females like tall and big-dick men. How would you end up having a country with shorter men and small penises? By doing the contrary. Have the males picking the females. For centuries, very well mentioned in the national novel Ion, by Liviu Rebreanu, that describes the purest Romanian,  it was the males that they were wooing instead of the females. The father of daughter was always looking for best hard-working and able to work the land man; so he had to bribe him to marry his daughter, offering lands and clothing. Usually nubile girls would sew and collect their textile products in a wooden box - the dowry. In case of non-virgin girls the bribery had to be raised the next day after the wedding night, or even on spot, at the consuming of the first sexual act between the brides that determined virginity. Average penis size is similar to... Central Asia / Russia and has nothing, but literally nothing to do with any European white culture, except probably the Irish, where the violent clan based society favored violent males (capable of protecting the clan) as husbands than anything else - again, the proof that warriors do not necessarily have big penises. In Europe there was the so called manorial system that favored smart and hard working males chosen freely by the women according to their attractiveness: height and penis size. Thus, tall big-dicked men.

12. Sexual POV
Sex talk is very awkward. Nobody will acknowledge he's a virgin and that is normal at a teen age. Fathers and mothers do not have any personal discussion with their offspring, viewing sexual life or sex as something shameful. They are intolerant even with themselves and do not talk openly and some of them even inhibit it. However, in their personal life they are very promiscuous, they tend to watch porn a lot and go to prostitutes. They are lecherous and full of repressed sexual desire, tomcats with with higher sex drive - that's how they actually conquered a vast territory such as Romania: though fertility. Males, between them, tend to brag a lot and consider themselves very good at bed. Women, by the contrary, they don't talk at all, they hide it, after intercourse they even feel somehow regretful and try to cover up. Why? Because this point of viewing sex life evolved in Central Asia villages, the place of beautiful secret harem parties for males and the hell for non-virgin girls, that could've been stigmatized their entire life by the villagers, not able to get marry ever. Males are very similar with their Indian counter-parts, Indians, that when talking on internet, due the benefit of anonymity, they ask "show boobs and vagina".

13. Women scarves
In Western Europe women used to wear hats - that was somehow valid in the cities of Romania since last century, most of them being founded by Germans. But the rural Romania, which comprises the actual purest Romanians, over 80% of them, all women wear kerchief. Where else can you find head covers? That's right, the Orient.

14. Lack of inventors
This is caused indeed by the socialism - or, same as preponderant Russia, though these people are survivors, they wear the scars of survival. Their battle is on the low end of the Maslow pyramid and the best people that Romania could ever produce they were all trained/educated at the Western Universities and most of them got to be teachers rather than applied scientists. An under-performer or not-able-to-perform in his field of study is always turning himself to teaching - that's easier. Same with doctors and engineers. Because of communist propaganda Romanians do actually believe that they had great inventors; that's not true and almost all the stories are fake. The jet engine of Coanda had the engine placed in... the front side of the airplane, which obviously, is absurd; he didn't invented it. Insulin was never invented Nicolae Paulescu (himself educated in Paris), he just isolated the protein, but the actually life-saving shot that you get was delivered by somebody else. Romanians are maintainers and never creators. During the communist era they had to borrow or buy foreign technology: CNC machines and even the national car, Dacia, was a French Renault undercover. The most so-called inventors or researchers are the doctors that explain you there is proof for God and the after-life and they've seen it and the engineers that build the zero-emission water engine (religiosity/magic again). Other examples are the guy that built a wooden bike (nice effort, but pointless) and the other guy that attached a jet engine to a bike. Literally almost all creations and inventions were conducted by white man, Romanians did not invented absolutely anything technological. Now, on the literature, it's different, because Iranian populations are known for poetry and beautiful stories.

15. Lack of Romanian toponyms in Romania
Names of rivers, valleys, mountains, cities - all have non-Romance language etymology, but rather Slavic and Hungarian. The Romanian presence, then made up mostly by Vlachs, in the lands to the north of Danube, modern day Romania, are mentioned first time in 1160s. No place names of Romanian origin were recorded where early medieval settlements existed in the area. Romanians adopted Hungarian, Slavic and German toponyms. In the older times the south region of Romania, Wallachia was named... Cumania, after their Cuman aristocracy - biggest Turkic tribe of the Romanian background. There's no trace of the Dacian language - the absurd idea of their ancestry - and the under 10 toponyms are guessed to be Dacian, not confirmed.
16. Letter Ş
As wikipedia points it here:  is a letter of the Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Turkish, and Turkmen alphabets. It is also used in the Roman alphabets of Tatar, Crimean Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh, Chechen, and Kurdish. Now, those are strange non-European populations that use this letter.

17. Mustaches
Same as women scarves, ubiquitous in the past, but in modern times and especially in urban areas, men would wear mustaches. Dinaric populations, Oriental populations are prone to facial hear that in somehow "civilized" area trimmed to mustaches only. All pictures with Romanians 100 years show people with long mustaches, all of them, same as how Turkic looking Hungarians wear theirs, too. From its beginning, 12-13th centuries, until last century, on all their territories and under any names they held, all Romanians had mustaches. This applies not only to the Vlach Balkanic population (depicted in the picture bellow), but also to their Cuman brothers (Turkic population), when they mixed into modern Romanian population.
18. They are still nomads!
Romanians were the last European population that settled in the territory. While all the other countries had their nations that would turn into modern citizens, Romania did not. This is due to two factors, related with the main ethnic populations that formed Romanians:
a) Vlachs were purely shepherds and their lifestyle was always mobile - it's called transhumance; they lived in mountainous regions where in the summer would climb the mountains with the sheep for grass and in the winter they would descend down protecting themselves of the cold; they had some villages, but never ever built cities, and the future towns based on their seasonal gatherings have "targ" ("fair") element in their name, because its characteristic: a place where they could exchange their products to something else that needed. These people, pushed from the Balkans towards north, over the Danube (their Vlach toponyms and traces can be found all over Balkans, but not in Romania) came into modern day Romania territory, assimilating the existing non-identity populations (most of them Slavic and Turkic), having high fertility rates and becoming majority.
b) Cumans were Turkic and nomads of course; they came pushed by other nomadic invaders, Tartars and Mongols. They settled in southern Romania, as the military/elite, dominating the Vlach population, and in 12-13th century, right after the Mongol retreat, they took advantaged and officially created Wallachia.
Centuries after Romania continued to receive incoming barbaric Asian waves, contributing to a very mixed population, yet with same culture and identity. In medieval times massive population moves took place not only from outside, but inside the country, southerners going north and northern going south, depending of the oppression of the different neighboring powers, most notable Hungarians and Ottomans. There are mentioned moving outside the country as well. A huge Romanian group went in Turkey and in Hungary, when they were invited there. But the saga didn't end in older times. Because before the communism a lot of Romanians emigrated towards the West. These are not recorded since Romanians didn't write, kept chronicles or made any census. Nobody will know the number of people gone, but personally I believe it's tremendous. They conclude to say that: in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Romania was predominantly a country of emigration. During the communism era the borders were closed; passports were held by the police and the regime feared that too many asylum seekers will discredit itself; nobody was allowed to go outside and surprisingly, with all the horrors and crimes, communism set in stone a few rules and organized itself, conferring to the its citizens the organized status; Romanians didn't try to leave the country, though some "steady rate emigration" occurred and those people were stigmatized and revoked of their rights. After 1990, with the fall of the communist regime, initially it wasn't too much emigration, until Romanians re-learn how to do it; then the numbers exploded, due to liberalization of travel. About 5 million Romanians left the country in the last 2 decades; 3.4 million Romanians left in the last 2 years. Romania has the second rate of emigration in the world after Syria and Romania doesn't have a civil war! They are not returning back, but, similar to other nations, the immigrant problem is only for the first generation. Second generation are fully integrated. Which takes me to another nomadic Romanian specific characteristic: they do not have culture! Second generation hardly speaks Romanian at all; they don't care about their primitive and basic traditions and culture; they don't have national music, movies and forgot all about their holiday (pagan culture). In Chicago there are more than 100,000 Romanians: there isn't a single Organization for them. They cannot form social groups nor organizations. There's isn't a single one to help them integrate, explain them how to, lend them money with low or no interest, exactly how Polish, Italian and any other immigrants have.

And now you know. Why is Romania different? - is the name of a book written by a Romanian Historian - because internet, secularism and globalism put Romanians on a chair next to the other people and this caused them to question themselves and their made-up history. And they understood they are different and somehow inferior to the rest of the Europeans. Even their hated brothers, Hungarians, scored better than them. Why Romanians are different? Why they are corrupted, non-rigorous, slacks, indisciplined and intolerant? Why do they look like they have mental disorders, always frustrated and feeling that they are oppressed and discriminated?

Is because that's how they actually been through their entire history. One part brought it from Asia and another from the Balkans before they settled in Romania. Romanians are the last mobile populations/nomads to settle in Europe. They have been scattered like leaves in the wind by foreign forces, Ottomans, Hungarians, Russians and others. And you know what they did when the wheel turned over? They did the same. Why not? They revenged themselves and they revenge themselves every time they have the chance. On the whole Europe, on their wives at home, on God, on whoever they put their hands on. "Fuck you all!" should be the Romanian international motto, across the world, a fuckyou! from the soul, from the whole heart, from the whole pain and misery that they have been unlucky when they cards were served to the players. I am a Romanian: yes, I'm a nigger, I'm lazy, I'm bad seen all across Europe, so fuck you all! Yes, we raped, we stole, we burgled, BUT HAVEN'T YOU DONE YOU ALL THE SAME WITH US? Haven't you treated us like slaves and animals all over we went in Europe and then you covered it up by an image of empathy and kindness? Why not shouldn't we do the same?

The biggest tragedy of Romanians is that not only they don't know where they come from, but also don't know where they will go. And yes, the above mentioned motto is somehow met in national literature, best in Liviu Rebreanu's novel, Prostii - Fools, where the main protagonist, a peasant, after being kicked from the stairs of a train, while watching the train going away, curses with all his suffery: "May God not help you". 

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